The Definitive Resource for
Agile for Hardware Methods

Agile for Hardware
  • Faster Development
  • Better Products
  • More Efficiency
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Modified Agile for Hardware Development

The Modified Agile for Hardware Development (MAHD pronounced /mad/) Framework provides the benefits of Agile, but supports the needs of  physical product development.

SW teams have discovered Agile methods increase customer focus, accelerate time-to-market and enhance collaboration. Hardware-based teams can also get big benefits over traditional processes, but since Agile wasn’t designed for physical products, a modified approach must:

  • Adapt to new insight, but freeze designs

  • Account for the range of disciplines (incl. SW)

  • Manage lead times, schedule & production

  • Define products, not just user stories

Download an Introduction to the MAHD Framework

Learn about the MAHD Framework with this five-page executive overview.

Is Agile Right For You?

Find out why dozens of companies have already gone MAHD. If you’d like a brief overview of the MAHD Framework with how similar companies are getting benefits with Agile methods, contact us to discuss your situation.

Who's Going MAHD?

The MAHD Framework is ideal for products that include a combination of mechanical components, electronics and software. It can be scaled from simple projects to complex systems and full portfolios. 

“The MAHD Framework is the only Agile methodology we’ve seen that truly understands hardware.”

Join the (Free) MAHD Community

Just join the MAHD Community to get access to resources including the MAHD Toolkit.

Learn About Agile for Hardware Methods

Transforming a process is never simple. In addition to changing methods and tools, it also requires a change of attitude, culture and daily way-of-working. To learn about the MAHD Framework, a good place to start is to download the Intro to MAHD e-book and the Coffee Maker series of nine steps, which explains how agile methods and tools can be used for physical products from concept to launch.  To see how the framework can be scaled to complex projects and whole product lines, explore the Complete MAHD Framework with the interactive guide. 

Join the (free) MAHD Community to get immediate access to more resources. 

How to Get Started

The best way to learn if the MAHD Framework can improve your ability to deliver better new products faster is to try it. 

Top 25 Q's

What’s unique about HW? Do roles need to change? We’ve answered the top 25 questions we receive in the MAHD FAQ.

More Learning Resources

90 Sec. Overview

A MAHD Overview

This video provides a short overview of what makes MAHD different than typical agile for software.  You’ll quickly learn about the key elements of the MAHD Framework and the benefits of agile methods over waterfall development.

The Complete MAHD Framework

Learn about the Complete MAHD Framework and how to scale MAHD for complex projects and whole portfolios.

Take a Step-by-Step Agile for Hardware Journey

Follow the JavaBrew team as they use MAHD methods to develop and launch a new smart coffee maker. Was agile effective?

Learn more about the MAHD Framework with our 9-step guide. Each step shares the principles, roles, methods and tools of Agile for Hardware. 

You Are Invited to Join
Our MAHD Community

By becoming a member (it's free), you get immediate access to a range of resources including this Step-by-Step Guide to MAHD Toolkit with templates as well as receive the Going MAHD newsletter for the latest delivered directly to you. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)